
  • Meaning of Scooter:
  • Category: Funny
Average: 3.6 (72 votes)



my dogs name is scooter is the meaning is fast very because you can not catch himso tthat is the meaning of scooter


i think that scooter would be a wonderful name for me pup mini whet chouzur


I like SCOOTER for my puppy's name. His sister is ROSIE. so when I am outside calling them it will sound like ROSIE AND SCOOTER!


I think scooter means a very fast dog.


my dog is all so scooter to my nice name me that me and my mom like that name w think it cute name for male puppy


When a dog wipes its bum on the ground that is called scooting, so when a dog is called scooter it means that he likes to wipe his bum on the ground a lot.


We call our puppy Scooter, short for "Bad Scooter Searching for His Groove"--nod to Bruce Springsteen. We also have a Bruce. :-)

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