
  • Meaning of Thor:
  • Category: Unique
Average: 3.4 (71 votes)



Ihave a enghlish bull dog- pitt-bull mix and he is the cutist thing ever!!!! he is six weeks old and everyone adores him!We took him to soccer tournament today and at least 10 people came up and took a picture of him!!! His new name: Thor!!


We are adopting a Golden Retriever, and my husband is a comic book addict. He said that with the gold fur, that our dog was a Thor.


Oh and origin of Thor is from Germanic Mythology. Thor was the god of thunder, lightening, and he was the protector of mankind.


Just got a yellow lab an three people immediately started calling him Thor. Lucky for me, my best friend is a comic addict and so it works for us!! He is adorable and will definitely be the protector!!


Thor is the name of the norse god of thunder and lightning. He has a hammer called Mjolnir and is a member of Marvel's The Avengers. I really want to get a Rottweiler and name it Thor. He's my favorite Avenger! :)


My male mastiff is named Thor and In the last 6 month i know 3 other males mastiffs with the name Thor:( Kinda bummed:(

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